Welcome to Jordan.

What a big mafia!


What type of friends are they?  (both are in my black list, one from Mousse valley & one from Amman) below is the story:

One friend a Muslim one approaching to me to tell me that he's not carrying identification card to withdraw some money from the bank! Writing me a cheque in my name & me to give him the money! Later in the same period another friend a Muslim one too did the same. And I did help.

The question is: why they to do it? I kept it in my memories to find out what they are up to! So far nothing, but they might say that they given me some money! Would that to happen? No documents were signed by me. Is that a mistake from my side?

That was in the year 2004 or 2005. So far nothing from their side due to our broken relationships from that time. They might been trying to trap me! Are they acting proud to some one? Now we are in 2016. But I say God knows better. What did they prove to them selves or to others?  Most of them keeps on promising! All were God's upon me as now. They are Mahmoud El Machaiela & Saleh El Sanea. Welcome to Jordan of traps of brains with action reaction. 


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I just remembered when I came from Kuwait & wanted to issue an exempted military identity due to I'm lonely to my mother & father is dead. (At that time I did not know that he was a live & in Jordan). They did not know that my back has a broken bones in the 3rd & 4th joints. I'm free from military in all cases! My mother was with me at that time & some big high position man in the military told us to leave the room to go to the next one after having a meeting with us. My mother wanted to take her bag & he told her no just leave it finish from that room & come back here! She said okay. So we went to the other room & I went out to see that man opening my mother bag & taking Kuwaiti money big notes from. I kept it to my self & did nothing till we all reached home along with my uncle. Then I told her in front of my uncle to check her bag & her money & she said there is a 100 K.D missing. Then I told the story. We were visitors in Jordan me & mom living in uncle house with his family.


Welcome to Jordan. They still active on a daily bases & giving me those sparks in the eyes plus this TV. Sound mixing harassments. Nile Sat is doing this to me through most of American movies in different channels but in the same satellite broad casting. Due to much of such harassments I'm writing this to you all. They still acting God's upon me. As if I'm guilty! But they know that they all are guilty. What law? What God? What religion? Once they do not quit from doing this everyday! What this means? This means they all are guilty & wanting to learn from my brain to show that they are intelligent! Apes & Satanic they are. Still playing with human nerve system. Trying to prove what! While they are murderers, demons, terrorists, provocation, irritation, thieves, blackmailers, hunters & killers! Sept the 11th means 911.

This is doing what? Spying & hacking on me all times! What is the excuse now? Yes below mentioned site! Nice observers & members! What is it all about?


 Please read about the black list in:   http://polaskiglory1.angelfire.com/

Now I end this site to update you in the newer one above mentioned. Bye & God Bless.