An Advice from a victim:
All of these years God showed the bright side of life & the dark side. Many are in between. My advice is stick to the bright side with God & not with Satan.
God, peace & the good well to the glory.
This char of Merlin the old man wizard wearing the blue wish uniform along with the blue hat showing us what? There is this Mash & Cyber Buddy Setup plus news creator & Crazy Talk programs that can be download from the internet.
They played with social media with such programs other than corrupting News & Movies! Musical song clips were also under their games to play with! Faking the originality of broadcasting & copy rights! The producers of total movies, actors, actresses & singers are also having rights. If we reaches to Hollywood & Pollywood & speaks about! Then total disasters yet to start. They already created total life electronic harassments to many families! Many families are also acting shit from their individuals of theirs! I say: they are wasters & wasting good peoples life's other than trapping them with madness in the air! I call them Apes & Satanic network creating pain to remain. Shit ugly mother fucker big mafia business creating SATAN Virus.
There are good movies speaks about total situation as the Die Hard 4, X-Men, Avatar & many much more. Actually movies teaches. But due to total Harassments in TV broad casting created very much less concentration to the movie & I to switch of the TV. No human rights even indoor! Other than the surroundings! Behaving as Apes & Satanic network. Other than Local authorities hacking & corrupting total human thoughts & ideas! Other than a secrete weapon above the head & heart! Behaving as Apes & Satanic network. What a Kingdom! Total of waste. I call them total shit waste. They take secrets from human brain PAST, Present & Future! This means what? What about God, human rights & soul! They are God's!
Now back to Merlin & his dress! Represent what? A tool that performs a speech, talk & read with some movements. The question is: Am I as Mr. Merlin? But I'm not a program. I am a human. What God say's at this time? That is the question.
What did I see in TV screen? I saw all world wide presidents wearing same uniform as Merlin when the stage curtain opened in china. And all audients stood up & started to hand claps creating them all.
The question is: Were they real? Was it a joke? Are they programs? My answer is: they are humans & having families just like us all! Other than that They represent the United Nations! Any one can deny this fact & logic? They also under Human Rights!
I did explain the fight is not with humans. Plus I do not want to chase any shadow.
Apes & Satanic network are many & they are the dark side of life. And all brains in a mixer! What left? Wastage. As if no life to go on! They also insisted to go on with this type of wastage! This means all are what? Nothing but shit!
Would the United Nations agree to this? I call it SATAN Virus attacking us all.
What God say's at this time? I say: Be aware from Satan & Satanic Networks & be good to own self & be with God. A human self respect is a national security. Life is too short to live in danger & within anger. God hates wastage. Past showed wasted kingdoms & countries even nations. The entire system of this cold war is SATAN work caused so much pain to United Nations. It has to have an end. Or victims will keeps on uprising in all nations! We are humans belonging to same planet earth. Who is under attack? Mr. Merlin! What God say's at this time? U.N offices in all countries! Peace Keepers. I'm a civilian & I have rights. Stop killing me. All back to normal life. God is the truth always. 5 senses of human feelings to live with. Other than that is brains hacking to create corruptions & waste. Victims should know this fact. The question is what is the logic means? Logic means: we have to remain humans with a self respect. End of talk. Those shit Arabs in Jordan & maybe else where are still learning & sharing my thoughts, studies & dreams! What they are? Apes & Satanic Networks. I call them wasters creating waste & danger while they are learning how to be humans! Had enough United Nations? This is the situation. Where is the human rights? Plus I did not ask for any fortune. I represent me alone. A human.
Did they forgot about God, Peace & the good well? Yes. Means all are guilty. One human cant take this much suffering for many years! For what suffering? For God, Peace & The good well! Should it be a wastage while they are learning? Who is gaining & yet acting God's? All are guilty. This habit is what? Satan Habit. They made me to be enforced to their habit! They created life of Guilt. They live in it! They live in their creation. God is angry & I do not belong to their creation (Artificial God or Artificial Satan). What God say's at this time?
A human soul is not a game to play with. This is the law of a total mankind to go on with. Other than that is waste. I write about me & my feelings. I am a human & suppose to have rights as any of you. This is my life, my soul & my believe.
This is the truth & nothing else other than the truth. Who is against the truth? Ask your selves! God to help & Each belong to own soul & not all souls belong to one soul or acting God's upon it. At 1st there was God! Start from that time. Shut up all & back to normal life. God Bless those who understood to learn to teach from my writings only & not from my brain or soul. This is the only total security I know. Ask own selves! Wild world out there.
By: Nabil Zegord Konz Kurt Polaski. Tuesday, June 14, 2016