Live as normal a life as possible; work, play, socialize, pray. By doing this you partially thwart their monstrous remote control experiments.
Maintain the rage; continue to speak out and write about their crimes especially the hellish mistreatment they force people to endure. By doing this you defeat their attempts to silence and discredit you.
Speak only to honest, intelligent, courageous people about your own situation; to avoid frustration. Cope and survive. Contact the Federation
.Resistance Global Electronic Harassment Opposition Party

:Quote of years
I'm a human who cares for God, Peace & the good well in life which leads to the glory. I did witness many humans been suffering from Satan work. I'm a human that feels the pain of own and others. I did seek my way in life & found many obstacles in my way. Been seeking to live in a normal life & God showed me the way, but due to Satan work made me to lose so much. Been hoping that some blessing from God to my soul might give a change to my life. Been so good to many & gained the blame! Those who blames me are what? There is much
of misunderstandings in life. I'm thankful that I'm still alive.
Now a days in FaceBook I see people speaking about election going on in the States. Concerning the presidency of
She worked so hard for what? To whom? And she's still going on! Why? Because this is the big Issue. I wish you all to understand what Mr. Bill Clinton gone through. Seek the encyclopedia & find out that he is a free man from jungle life. He's a good family man. Can she get supported or not? What are we? Nothing concerning politics. I had a wife from there. What left for us to live for! What we take with us while dying? We keep up going our good well in life for all sake. I am a human either he or she. Life is too short.
Love you all. Thank you.Love you all. Thank you.
The Truth:
Involving brains, human souls & satellites through me & through others! What are they doing? That's why they are a part of this world wide business of dark side of life which is SATAN work is. All the elections worlds wide while this Umbrella still going on is false. False flags.
It is a terror activity business. Where is a home land? Or a National security?
Mr. Bill Clinton was so afraid from Mr. Stars! He was so afraid for his family. They are cheating over media & leave disasters behind! This secrete weapon doing what to all mankind? The result is building budgets out of human sufferings. Those are world wide mafia. Souls are infected by this shit going on. The entire system of this Satan work has to fail or all families will be held responsible to continue living under slavery. Every body wear condom better for all & stop getting married in a time like this. Viruses are all over even within souls due to this Sesame of Jordan. Members & observers are the virus creators. All are guilty.
Mrs. Hillary Clinton for elections! While this umbrella still going on! Means she's a fake & this might also kill her husband Mr. Bill Clinton & his peace mission in the middle east. History also in danger. Mrs. Hilary Clinton was accused by her mobile! There are hackers, intruders & viruses from! Ask your selves.
When we speak false flags means a lot.
Recently, I was in this face book community site, been in one of those groups & found some one entering with fake account to write to me! When I checked on her by clicking on her! A page popup showed that she has no existence! Back to the group & she was not there & nothing about her! But my messages remained there! Was like a ghost! Left with no trace!
Face Book site is under attack by such individuals. Attacking accounts & having fun with! What this means? Yes F.B.I or C.I.A or world wide nation's governments!
Should I take a permission to post this or not? While I'm writing this, people in the streets yelling & saying: That’s why we are dead! They are apes & creating shit to own selves.
Now I say: all wishes to eat shit from my side other than their own shit. The truth just been said. Is
This TV. & all of its news in this way is also fake even the elections. Where is safety? Where is honesty? Can any to trust any? I have a story to talk about & they are not giving me a simplest chance to even write about. Working so hard to tell the truth. Most brains interfering in what I'm doing even while home alone! Most of people in the face book are also suffering! What? The end coming soon! What's logic in it? What law in it? What God in it? What any religion in it? What political in it? What news in it? What brains in it? What government in it? What presidents in it? What king or queen in it? What total countries in it? What business in it? What anything good in it? Michel Jackson song: They don't care about us! Heal the world foundation! This also makes people to fall sick, tracing money & going insane! Walking dead, no where to go nor to hide. How can a good person to live in a jungle life? Now we understand what nation of shit brains in
Kingdom of wastage & remains in this wondering circle due to their brains that keeps on blab la blab la. Fuck you a world wide Umbrella. It is a war between God & Satan. Human raise & population is under this umbrella of electrons to have no meaning to live. Other than that traps & trappers with Brains in mixers! I call it SATAN virus faking us & our God. Anything holly left? Holly wood & Poly Wood & some assuming also Arab Wood. What is logic in it? God also a movie?
United nation still waiting to see to take a decision! The question is: Why on earth they kept this to go on for many years? As if waiting for the 3rd war of nuclear war to start. Do we need Apes or Satanic in our life to keep on fucking or God?
The case is closed since the day it started! What's wrong? What is going on? Apes uprising upon humans! Since when apes to have any religions? Sound mixing in many brains even! I'm not judging any! Plus I did not ask for any of it! Plus I'm not against any religion or country or nation. Arabs created it as how I'm witnessing on a daily bases. Where is a home land with much of apes & satanic? What is their origin? Different origin in
I'm so much discussed from apes. Should I wear a banana to them? The question is: What they did prove to the world wide? Are they talent? In what? Kingdom of what?
I say to them: Damn you all! Look what you have done. Ape Planet Movie when
All of these years all elections are fake. The entire system may the lord God to curse for ever due to it's Satan work. They want war! Let them do war! They want peace! Let them do peace! No more zigzag ways to keep on fucking God! What administration we are talking about? What this administration did to us? Should I be a Tarzan in this jungle life? I wonder! how people in this planet are living! What they do for living? Business effecting businesses! Human effecting humans! Ape effecting apes! Family effecting families! Country effecting countries! Umbrella of what? Of God's! of brains! Of souls! Of Bla Bla Bla! Of sixth senses! Of corruptions attacking human nerve system. Once this human (me) under attack, who attacked him (Me)? What is the reason of this attack in Satan shape? What type of this wastage?
All premeditation, willfulness & foreknowledge over me! God hate wastage! Welcome to Jordan of what? Of guilt for ever. I have been under attack in those countries above mentioned! I been good with those above countries! Planet of what? Countries of what? What conscious punishment on a daily bases! And still facing this in Jordan. If anything happened to me, then there is no peace, no God, no religions, no home land security, no national security & no human right. It is Conscious Punishment to all. This is the big issue.
Those who plays with media or souls while indoor are what? Now it is world wide trade center. Guess what! All are working & most are complaining to me! And me to loose almost everything! The story stops here. It's over. Other than that history been written & all of you seek encyclopedia concerning Sept the 11th. And Mr. Bill Clinton. This big show to me is over. Good lesson to all. At least we are living & thank you God that we are still living & staying a live.
Bye. Should I say God Bless to you all at this time? What is the problem with your brains? Time to wake up! A year of a weakening. Back to normal life & let go. This is the big issue. I am a human & what about you? History is there! Studying from me & from my memories! Many years passed from my life & gone on waste! Life is too short & still shortening it! Shame on you all. We are living in history! Or all history is fake! Which way you want it? I'm no business to any one. Plus I did say I don't want any fortune! Plus I did share my story with all I guess! Plus I want to be for me & for my own believe! I wrote my story & still trying to remember things to defend my self from evil work. Should not I rescue my soul from Satan work? Other than that I been a good adviser about God, Peace & the Good well in life. Open all memories of all skulls! Who is judging a human brain or soul? The entire system is SATAN system. They tried to accuse Mrs. Hillary Clinton of her mobile! How is that? People still not understanding this fact? All electronic devises can be played with. Yes Mr. Bill Clinton! God remains the greatest always no matter what all yet to try! So obvious! We are living in these facts! What God say's at this time?
God says at this time: (If I left alone & all of you & Satan against me, life to go on the way I want it. I loved you all & past showed about
God bless you all. Who don't have history of memories? Stop playing with souls. Own past is a lessons to who? I am a human but not a country or a family but belonging to. Each country has own style for living. Let go & free your selves to free me from your shit! God's over me & over my God!
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Last updated: Jul 28th 2016 07:11pm