Am I an experiment for & to all!
At that time 2002, I was walking down the street in Ramadan supposed to be a holly month, reaching back side of Jabber complex & a sudden a parking car put reverse with a full speed approaching to me! I did not get the chance to escape! I jumped & hands & head hit the rare glass. Almost 5 meters in the air & came on feet. Thanks to God. My hip was hit & my left feet was num. It was a man & a Muslim with scarf lady setting in front. Some people started to clap hands for the way I Jumped! They were in the fitness center above me watching what happened! The man came from the car & some other people came to stop him from reaching to me. How can I forget that incident? I was in pain. In the early year of 2004, another incident happened! I was walking in an empty long street late at night coming from work, hearing a car entering the street with good speed, changing the gear in full speed till it reaches to its fullest speed! Then suddenly the sound of the car vanished gone as if there was no car behind me! I look behind & it was approaching to me so fast & I did jump a side of the road, looking at the car in front & the car switched the rare lights & going left & right for me not to take its number! I can say they were hunting me. Who is crazy? Isn't this a terror activity? All are witnesses! When I remember, people starts to Bla Bla Bla & saying with complain (That’s why we are dead!) even while I'm writing as if they are not giving me a chance to write! All God's! I did not complain about those incidents to any authority due to prove is not there. I have memories to till about. My Uncle Nassri AL Shami from (
This umbrella created much of corruptions. Damn you all. Look what you all did. Souls in DANGER. What type of a business is this? What a history. There is a satanic network & still active with a secrete weapon above heads. They made me to be involved with their shit other than NASA Package & TV playing around with. Enforcing me to their shit! I got nothing to do with any of them or their activities. All are guilty. Welcome to
Yes United Nations! What do you think? What law! What Peace! What God! What human rights! Where Am I living? In a planet called DANGER EARTH!
Here when God loves someone means what? No matter what all over to try to trap & later they yet to be a shamed! Why? Because this someone is me loving God! Simple!
Due to artificial brain connections & conscience brains connected means they have to pay more attention to God & Peace! I'm not the subject any more. But they remain as I did mention as how they got used to. This is the big subject! What God say's at this time? Ask your selves people! Apes & Satanic still active for what once it is a formula from God? God's law of creation. Why me a human to go trough so much wastage & pain? This also proves that God has meaning to show the world wide about this fact & Logic! Did I force my self into this! Did I gain anything from it? Leave me alone brains & Satellites. Let go. This is not a movie & God is not a movie. The question is: Who did this to me? To me it is a miracle that I'm alive. Gone through so much danger & waste! There are movies explains the same! All have to have a self respect! National security! That’s why I stay home alone. Why is that? Because fingers not the same! I stay far from troubles & waste! I try! Who wants to break God's law of creation & life constitution? Thos who does that exterminating everything. This umbrella of shit brains taking us to no where to go nor to hide! Wasting us all! Virus's creators. Once there is a brain connections means everything as if not to live! Who is doing this fear virus? Sky nets are the virus. This is the limit for mankind brains to analyze. Can any go further? God remains the greatest! Over! Done! Peace mission is accomplished! Ta ta! Activating above what ever it is for what? God bless those who understand. I'm a human & my brain can't take more than what God created about a human! God & own creation is perfect. But a human! Nothing in compare. God is God not brains acting God's upon a human soul! Shame to remain! This is the way how God created all mankind! Stop focusing over one human & ignoring your selves & others! Fuck you all! Shame on you all! Each soul to live its own life & not someone else's! Shame on those brains! If we ask them all what do you want anything more than God & peace? Still they are acting Apes & Satanic network! For what? Maybe all wants miracles from God! But we are living in it! What type of brains I'm dealing with? Ask your selves? Adios Satan & your viruses. Tata. Shaow, Fin, End. Back to normal life people. End of show. No business with this! All of it is wastage. Stop your shit Satan from your brains & Satellites. What acting above God? Back to normal life. Lets stick with the bright side of life from now & then. Lets be good to our selves & to our God! Is that a problem? Enjoy your life's! Live & let others to live! That goes for all! Where is the problem? Stop acting reacting apes & satanic! No humans! Where is normality in life or all wants wants wants! More than God & Peace! Yes Earthen people! What do you think? It's over. God Bless those who understood! We plant the good well & others to destroy! For how long this going to remain like this? For ever! Enough means enough & back to normal life sick brains. What madness in the air or a magic or what ever! All of it is shit & total viruses. What sixth sense & with much of concentrations! This is Satan work & Satan virus creates everything in DANGER. Let go! It's over.
My Updates concerning my situation.
An email to:,,,
To family & relatives. To understand the exact situation of mine. Email sent by my Yahoo account:
بيلعبوا فينى الدحله! كلمه بتودينى وكلمه بتجيبنى! وفكرى يغير المجرى! أمراض نفسيه دنيئه وحقيره والبركه بتعذيب الضمير والضمائر وأكثرها غائبه! ويلعبون بواقع الإنسان! أسس مبنيه على الصلبطه والنصب والإحتيال. سياسه كر وفر ويضيعون الوقت بالهوس, بالبلبله ويضعفون الإنسان ويلومونه بكل فكره وعمل يعمله! ما معنى هذا الكلام؟ ظروفى صعبه وأبو داوود ظروفه صعبه! والكل يتذخل بشؤون غيره وفاتحنها سيره القرود والشيطان مبسوط على هذا الحال! كلمة حق وقلتها من زمان. اللى بفهم كويس والما بفهم غير كويس! أما خلط الكل بالكل ما هو إلا مضيعة وقت. أرجو الإتصال بأبو داوود وعمل الازم وشكرا. أما صيانة الشقه فأنا أتولاها لأن أجرة العماله تكلف كثير. وهناك الضمائر الكويسه والغير كويسه هذا هو الواقع وكأنها كلها تتذخل فى عقر ذهنى. خالتى سافرت ولم أبلغ بأنها سافرت إلا بعد ثلاثة أيام! وعلى العموم أخلى مسؤوليتى من عدم إرسال هدايا لأمريكا. وبالنسبة لعالم الأرواح ما هو سوى مضيعة وقت لا أكثر وأمراض نفسية تحاول التذخل بشؤون الغير ليخربوا بيوت الناس وإضعافهم لكى يسيطروا على ما ليس لهم غير الطمع والجشع واللؤم لعمل الحياه البريه وليست الحياة البشرية. ومن هذا المنطلق أرجو الإتصال بأبو داوود حتى لا أفكر ليأخذوا المعلومات من جمجمتى وعقلى وشكراً. وشرحت الكثير من هذا الكلام فهو واقع زاد الطين بله فى أكثر الدول وكأن الشيطان غالب! نسوا الله والسلام والنيه الصافيه. عالم الأرواح عالم النفاق مع العرب والغير عرب. كفايه ملامه. سلام للجميع عندكم والسلام. خرى على الشيطان.
الخميس، 16 حزيران، 2016
Today is:
On 17th I did get the flat keys & the flat with me now. After this Iraqi family Mr. Hamorabi, wife & daughter left, his cozen Mr. Ammar came & took the flat with less rent due to his financial problems asking me to reduce the rental charge 30JD. I had to agree due to some maintenance that the flat needed & hard to find someone to rent to.
He stayed & been good to me but unfortunately he has some problems due to his situation, he also studying medicine, later he told me he wanted to leave the flat & there is some one wants it & ready to pay the same rental charge. I did give him a visit & saw that the flat totally dirty. Later I found one mattress is gone from the flat & he said that he will replace. Some damages were there & I did not get the key due to his friend that will get the flat. His friend came & I saw him cleaning which pleased me.
Later & after 2 to 3 months he wanted to evacuate & told me one month before. I said no problem. When I went to give him the insurance which was 250 JD& I only had 150 JD & in accordance to him saying reduce 20 JD for the cleaning. So 80 JD I will pay him later on. I wrote him on a paper that I will pay him later.
Yesterday I went to clean & I did spend almost 12 to 13 hors half cleaning. Today I took rest & tomorrow going back for more cleanings. Those Iraqis hardly they were paying the rent due to as stated by them that
Before those Iraqis were those Moroccans & they cost me almost 1200JD losses in about 6 months And the flat was totally dirty & bugs were there. Just imagine how Arabs are not caring to behave good, dirty & not caring for others properties! The flat was totally furnished & there are furniture consumptions. Waste percentage not been included. Those two nationalities is hard to deal with. I wonder are Arabs are a like!
And before those Moroccans were those Jordanian Egyptian two ladies also left the flat without paying 3 months rent!
Even though I say it's okay what I can do! This is my luck. I'm clean when ever I rent any where! Other than that I hate landlords to think I'm not clean or bad. I'm different. When I fix something I do not ask for reduction as how those were doing to me. I pay full rent & mostly in time. I hate my self to be in trouble with any party.
God knows how much I been doing my best to insure straight going in life. And still yet to be blamed! I hate mistakes & others mistakes are there always with me! I'm not proud! But I say what I can do due to such situation of others enforcing me to! In
windows or whiten my brain & while I'm thinking! This is insane.
Today is:
Morning I left to the flat & reached . Now it Just arrived. Still the flat needs more work. Did so much good cleaning today. Waiting tomorrow to start again. 13 to 14 hours work. So tired & exhausted. Having dinner & direct to sleep.
Me & The flat is not the problem. The problem is those voices that keeps asking for how much you want to rent?! They still scans on me & giving me hell of a time during the cleanings. What should I say about
Today is:
Morning I left to the flat & reached . Came back at Worked hard & tomorrow I will go back to finish the cleanings. Kitchen & half of it left.
So tried & just had dinner. Going for a shower & then to sleep for tomorrow. Scrap work in the small room & in the middle room already finished. Kitchen & bath room ceilings left. Then have to clean all the kitchen wooden cupboards in & out. Today I took some bed sheets from there & kept the coverage. Fully furnished. Just imagine 3 year the flat without cleaning! They were living & kept it so dirty! What a students! Lately they kept all windows open & all furniture was full of dust! The kitchen was full of oil & grease! I did work & clean so much. I found new bed sheets with pillow covers for queen size bed. Bran new red color. I brought it with me. Will give it as a present to my sister.
Today is:
decided to stay home due to my fingers in much of pain plus total body.
An email to:,,
Dearest sweetest sister & your husband:
Today: Friday, June 24, 2016 & tomorrow 25th I have to pay the rent of my accommodation in AL Misdar. Have to pay 105 J.D including Water & 20 J.D for electricity.
The Flat in the 7th circle also needs some money for adjusting, fixing & painting. That minimum will cost in a bout 120 J.D Plus the roof water leaking. I worked so hard for the last few days, almost 12 to 14 hours a day in just cleaning. Now it is okay, clean but not the ceilings & walls. I did scrap but did not finish to fullest. Takes 2 to 4 days to finish.
Hoping some one to call to rent as soon as possible due to financial problems. If I can rent it 3 month payment 400 JD a month will do just fine. Abu Dawood also having money problems! Plus there is bad news from his side, sorry for him. They will start Chemical injections or to cut & remove down below. Cancer make him to feel so angry & un concentrate person. Don’t know what to do! I might get some insult tomorrow. God knows. Bye for now.
Dearest sweetest sister & husband, Today 25th June. Abue Dawood came & gave me JD10 only! I have to buy some food! He don’t have money & he said that due to his family going to the states, the money he had he paid for them plus I'm on dept with him. You too. His budget is almost empty. He told me that at the end of this month he will get from my aunt salary to pay for her rent & mine as well. Plus he's paying for doctors & his medical situation not good.
I did call my land lord & told him sorry I do not have now & at the end of this month I will pay you. I told him about the flat & from aunt I will pay him. He said keep it morning at the end of this month because I'm leaving for a period of time. I said okay.
This is just to inform you & tomorrow for sure I will go to finish the cleaning till I get some money to do some maintenance. Today I could not go due to less money I had for the transport.
Please call Abu Dawood. This month financial support was totally not good enough to all! I Hope things will be better.
Bye for now, take care & God Bless.
Today is:
Yesterday I came at 12 hours work in the flat. Finished the scrapping & the cleaning work. I did also clean & washed the sofa's of the setting room. Kitchen almost done but the cupboards still & I also had to fill the drinking water container with air. Plus it's not working! Needs repairing.
The oven is clean & the exhaust fan not working.
Some maintenance has to take a place. I did scrap the kitchen ceiling.
Little by little money I hardly can work! Plus something in my mind The rent I did not pay yet! Any how he said I will give you 20 JD tomorrow. I said okay. What else should I say? Tomorrow I will go back & finish what ever I can.
Yes you shit umbrella users. Plus electro-magnetic radiation field connecters of brains from all over plus secrete weapon from above plus TV harassment in door! Plus NASA Package!
What do you want shit administration? Go to hell
mother fuckers. Satanic Network in you assholes. I have rights on you all. I
have rights over
Fuck you shit Sesame of shit
All experiments with the secrete weapon of shit sesame
been over me! Fuck you shit country, nation & administration. Stop this
harassments you shit mother fuckers. Shit Jordan, Shit Kuwait, Shit UAE, shit
Involving me with your shit you shit nation's
administration! Cowards, timid, fearsome, sissy's, spiritless, unmanly,
fainthearted. I have past with those shit countries above! I have rights on
them all before your shit influence of shit umbrella to take over you shit sons
of shit. Let go you shit members & observers. Shove your nuclear station in
your assholes. What are you representing? What are any of you? Anything better
than shit? Creating slavery & to whom? Fuck you & fuck to whom as well.
Yes United Nations! All of it is a terror activities. Yes local authorities of
Arab countries! Also acting God's! What did I experiment in the Arab World? All
seeking money, traps & trappers they are. Terrorists by origins. I grow
& learned what Arabs are & it is in their blood. Where is the law
concerning this happening? What type of law going to stop it? God's law &
United Nations law. This is my hope. God bless those who understand. If they
want to open my past they will be blamed. Stop enforcing me to open their
pasts. We are living in history. I'm sounded by God's acting apes & satanic
networks over me! Are you waiting for the 3rd world wide war to take over? Is
there a universal justice? God is the Judge! But I'm living in this planet! Who
is the judge? Judge on what I just wrote about my situation. Those who are
trapping me & wanting me to fall & fail God yet to curse them all. I
can still update my real story to the world wide. When ever I remember
something I will write about it. I do not want interference from any type. It's
my life, my soul & my brain! Any of you can write own story! Let go. How
many nationalities & origins in
World wide trade center in
With this I end this updates & shiftting to below site:
For updating: