Dear FaceBook friends,
Here we all almost a like learning, teaching & yet seeking new friends. I did see so many of you having many friends! Are all you share with? The question is: There are groups that you can create & invite to.
Lately I did see some accounts & groups been insulted by some hackers or some of what ever can be done to give the insult! Some xxx video clips that to be downloaded been added to those who has nothing to do with! As I did say: there are good & bad among us, we stick with the bright side.
Many friends & friends of friends might cause this type of harassment of challenge. The out side ones, those who can create a post while they are not even friends. Those are the!
Secure your privacy in the setting & block them. Much of them keeps no trace, even though take care & enjoy your friend list by seeking to them & study to know them more. Leave your accounts secure due to friends, relatives & family usage. God Bless.

I am a human having a conscious what about you? Alien from out of space or apes or machines or demons! It hurts me. Stop acting reacting upon & over a human soul
What an experiment! As if kill those who believe in God! Shame on you all. What a history of events & reality. The truth just been said. All acting as Muppets! Reaching to a human soul to play with & punish! Much are guilty. God is angry.

I do remember when I used to work with the Dead Sea Spa hotel. There was that young bill boy taking the American 8 to 11 years old boy bellow & behind the stairs for some fun with! This what I been told! I said to my self, there is administration to take care of this situation! People here speaks much about everything even while my mind is thinking! They speak about me not wanting me to write what I want! This means they are from the same origin of what ever. They look in to small issue & forgot the big one! Every one has memories & they don't want me to have any! What they are? Gods! Or shit heads, shit country & so on. Welcome to

Conscious pain to me! Well, I can recall the past of my memories. Who is punishing who?
I can speak about my childhood, would any of you to compensate me?
Stop fucking my soul you shit Arabs. Shove your mafia in your origin assholes.
Wanting to hake on me & on my brain! Fuck you all. Yes FBI & CIA! What the hell is going on? What type of business is this? Fucking my soul & still going on!

Quote of years:
I'm a human who cares for God, Peace & the good well in life which leads to the glory. I did witness many humans been suffering from Satan work. I'm a human that feels the pain of own and others. I did seek my way in life & found many obstacles in my way. Been seeking to live in a normal life & God showed me the way, but due to Satan work made me to lose so much. Been hoping that some blessing from God to my soul might give a change to my life. Been so good to many & gained the blame! Those who blames me are what? There is much of misunderstandings in life. I'm thankful that I'm still alive.
Now a days in FaceBook I see people speaking about election going on in the States. Concerning the presidency of
She worked so hard for what? To whom? And she's still going on! Why? Because this is the big Issue. I wish you all to understand what Mr. Bill Clinton gone through. Seek the encyclopedia & find out that he is a free man from jungle life. He's a good family man. Can she get supported or not? What are we? Nothing concerning politics. I had a wife from there. What left for us to live for! What we take with us while dying? We keep up going our good well in life for all sake. I am a human either he or she. Life is too short. Love you all. Thank you.