The Cold War. Already in history.Encyclopedia
This story is an advice to all nations, populations & to all humans living in one global earth. The story of the truth: (Apes & Satanic Networks acting God's) is as follows:
At first there was God. Start from that time. God law remains God law. No question about. I'm studying from my own! What's wrong with your owns? My God is so much Great.
Once they activated such massive destruction over a human total body & soul, by many descriptions of total electronic harassments on a daily bases by total community called
Sounds simple but it is a quote of tortured soul that spends years of being under attack even by their own children. Where are the human rights? Once, all are God's over one soul? The subject is all of them are guilty by all type of law's. Case is closed since the day it started, but as if nothing pleases them they kept on going in & with Satan work.
Now we are in this supposed to be called Holly Ramadan & still they are acting reacting the same! What religion should we to give for such Apes & satanic network? Looking into one small issue & forgetting their big one! This means what? All are a part of this wastage. My life gone on waste due to their behavior, attitudes & massive mind disturbance to me & to many others creating who's with & who's against!
This shows until now they can't even to solve one man problem in their community! It's so obvious that still yet all to be called: (Apes & Satanic Networks).
This type of umbrella shows what type of community we are talking about. This
I call them shit nation. Even while I'm writing this they interfering in what comes to my mind! All God's made out of Apes & Satanic Networks over a human soul. Should I express it more to you?
They made me to loose so much & it is the truth. All are guilty. Now concerning this Supper natural nuclear, electrons, soul conscious punishments, terror activities & secrete weapon created half of soul party life & logic life while both been mixed together!
This show how much I did suffer from what mentioned. Do they care for any family reputation, or religion, or origin or lecturing all from a human tortured soul?
Can I trust such community or Satan Umbrella? Enforcing me to their shit! I set behind & write about me & my feeling that still under attack by them.
It is as been said concerning half's of good & bad. Satan in
What we see in
Of electro magnetic radiation field. Sesame of members & observers created the big show that lasted many years of wastage. I have been under so much pressure from total surroundings. They forgot that I am a human.
Their Bla Bla Bla of analyzing of total information's taking me to their shit. They are total guilty for being apes & satanic network. All for one! How should I free my self from shit of total
I have black list of individuals who cheated on me & wasted years, money & much more in concern to family issues. This total
This Umbrella from in
For many years wanted to write & update my story. I hardly can concentrate to do so & my poor English also not helping much. Mostly they uses their habit of their brains, talk & total sickness to a human soul under attack by shit souls on a daily bases. All are viruses! Where is hygienic life?
They created this shit, they live in their shit. Should I care for shit nation! And I got nothing to do with any of them. They and their shit administration go to hell. All are guilty. This big show between countries, populations & viruses of this shit sesame to where? To hell.
Due to lot of dark side activities in life. SATAN & Apes that still learning! Against human soul! All are guilty. God is angry. Should God to be angry on one person or on total sum of apes & satanic? How can God to forgive? Is there logic in
I have black list of individuals to prove what above mentioned is perfectly true. Shouldn’t I free my self from shit terror activities?
I gave my best & most saying I'm stupid! Let them guess it now! As if I played the fool & all agreed! Once they agreed, they showed them selves to United Nations! Maybe they want to attack the world wide! The rise of apes. They got talent! The question is, talent in what? While still they are acting the same! I say case is closed & they don’t want to close it! They to remain as what? That is the question. This habit still active by many people in
I used to tell them: who plays more will lose more! Why they can't understand God? End of talk I did speak about God & Peace! What do they want? Anything more! I wish the United Nations to understand this point. Are they creating anything good to the world wide while they are wasting souls from living their free life?
Good people hard to live in a jungle life. Sensitive people are saying the truth from their tortured souls. Just like me. As if they are attacking
God the one who forgives. Most left me under this type of what? All are covering this truth! Means what? Shit families attacking good families! Shit brains attacking good brains! Demons attacking angels! Is this fair to describe
To me so much fair. They created this shit show & they are still living in this shit show. What law is it? Should I wear them a banana? Should I give them money? Should I give them some of my shit on a plate to feed them more? Once they are shit! Should I feed them shit once they already shit!
I spoke & gave the best I got. God & Peace. What they want? Let them ask them selves! Kingdom of no where to hide or to run away. Can they run away from their God? What God says at this time that lasted for many years & still the same? They create schizophrenia in personalities. True this might affect the illusion side of the human brain.
U.N Law is above Jordan Law & above any country law. Peace keeping & keepers. Heal the world foundation. I just said the truth & nothing else other than the truth. Shouldn’t I defend my soul from demons? Faces with wings attacking me! Why I'm falling sick? From sick brains, souls & illegal activities on a daily bases. Shouldn't I free my soul with my God & a believe of Peace from all of this corruptions? And they created this cold war! I am a human. I had enough from all of this shit. Whom should I meet with, to speak about it all once all are acting God's above me? I stay home alone. My family suffering to keep me a live. Did any of those countries give any help or support? Nope nothing but mind disturbance. They created the cold war among them selves! Their Arab singers in Arab assholes. We are speaking communities. Mach of false flags. And they are complaining about one soul! Or through one soul! All Gods!
Concerning what ever I posted over internet is true! Am I against any law? Or religions? Or you name it! Wrote my story! My story belongs to me! Why on earth they have to be lectured or interfering while I'm writing my story or analyzing where from my suffering coming from? Go to hell shit apes. All totally responsible for all of this. God saying all of them is guilty. Their religions also saying the same!
Let them to reach to U.N site to find out who's under custody of United Nations. Jordan & some other counties are. Once they are God's! Can I keep any secrete?
Am I speaking logic or not? Souls fucking around with one soul! Did they give any respect to their own God? Shueeeeeeeeeoooee. Means shut up all shit brains, dirt souls & shove your Satan in your assholes, other than that shoves your brains in each others assholes. United Nation to understand the situation of mine not others.
I was so good to all! Still they are fucking my God! When I say: I'm not Jesus; they all should've known how to have a self respect. What social media? What news papers? What people bla bla bla? What are they creating? I'm home alone & under attack at all times! Wow! From whom? I'm not a legend. All are God's! They create this big shit show to them selves. They are living in their shit. Speaking about me & about my family means all are nothing but shit.
Muslims among them & Christians. All are pretending to pray! Sixth sense! & their brains attacking Human Soul! They are assuming magic in the air! Virus in the air! They are the big issue. Learning analyzing to lecture from my soul! Just imagine! This is
If they have conscience! God best judge. Not me or you. They are the subject not me.
Good ones & much of bad ones attacking one human soul. Creating me what? Expendable asset! No God? Fake Flag. Fake Nation. I used to tell them: I don’t want corruptions!
Let them meet with United Nations now. My Peace mission is accomplished while my total nerve system under attack.
Thank you God for giving me this chance to speak about me & about total truth. Souls are fighting within their inner brains & their voices in the air! Some approaches to my location, inner skull & in electronic devises!
I want to be free from this shit situation. I got nothing to do with politics! It's their politics! Plus I don’t want to be in their shit circle. The question is: What type of circle? I'm not a hater of any religion, or origin or a region! Connecting me to another countries too!
What's wrong with those brains? Enforcing me to what? Interfering in me, about me & about my secrets & fucking my soul with their souls & enforcing their visions using their brains to create viruses in the air!
In according to God's law of creation, those souls to be free from hell circle. And those who created hell, they to live in their hell.
What God says at this time? Souls fucking one soul! This soul has to live in God & Peace circle of its own. My home land is: Where ever I lay my hat that’s my home. Once they hate God & Peace that is their problems. Me home alone due to all of these reasons! I have to defend my soul from all souls either good or bad souls. This soul's magnetic field radiation of brains cased me so much wastage.
I do not wanting to be in it. All of them are fake acting reacting creating Muppet show of their own. I set & watch their Muppet show. They can't even to ask them selves controlled by whom & their show to whom? Let them guess it! The picture speaks about it self! They want to be a movie! I live with my self & with my God!
Muppet show of apes & satanic. I am a human living my own with God. I don’t want to be enforced to any of their show. United Nation to take the control of this big show of a long term business.
NASA PACKAGE: Rain Brain Scan: All are the rain over a human brain! Acting God's! + Tele-Transport + Dynamic Eyes! Plus TV radio waves & rays Plus secrete weapon from space! Above a human total soul! No God? No Peace? My story is the peace mission giving it to United Nation & it's meant to reach to. From my bright side I hand it over to them. God to help us all. I don’t judge. What God says at this time? And since a long time back? What am I gaining? Total mind disturbance! From? Total community. All are guilty. My story says so & there are victims just like me in face book! Face book is a community from all over. All have to understand which way they want it! Who is with & who is against?
My peace mission is accomplished. Guess what! Apes & Satanic are judging on a daily bases! I don’t have any mistake! They all are the big mistakes. Plus I'm not judging. Who is under attack? How many flags false? Should I care for other than my soul in this umbrella of souls? That’s why I call them apes & satanic networks of brains & souls interfering in my soul. Should they have to have any share once they are apes & satanic acting as if it is a business once they are attacking a native son!
I'm studying! Is that bad? I used to say this: Thank you God for being God & thank you God for me being me. A human.
Shouldn't I live? I had so much patience but due to what wrong way souls, brains, acting reacting other than trappers & much of soul punishment by what ever. I separate my soul from their hell, seeking God & peace at all times once they all are God's upon me & upon my God. The bright side of life I stick with. I'm not belonging to any mafia or against any business. I free my soul by my own & step a side for those who ever takes or makes the decision. And those are not the Bla Bla Bla. Whose with who's against not my concern any more. My Peace Mission is already accomplished since a long time back. Since the day it started. Been asking I only wanted to be a family man to live in a normal life! Been so honest to all!
Get lost shit souls or analyzers of a human soul. Those souls forgot about National Security & Home Land Security to create wastage to many families. God hates them. Once life is a business, let them seek their own business. I don't have any business with any business of theirs. My business been given to God & those who believes in God. An adviser for National Security & those who wants a home land. My advice is: A human self respect is a National Security. The law supposed to be in this way or there will be no God! What God's! (Shit apes & satanic).
God is best Judge. I don’t belong to shit families. This what they create out of them selves. What a kingdom.
Allo Dom. Heal the world foundation. Look at Michele Jackson song! They don't care about us. They forgot about God & Peace. What a King-Dom! What did they gain acting like this those people in
Those also acting God's with their secrete weapon! They are as what those are.
United Nation has to act even though having so much patience. But the question is: When the cats away the mice will play! Since when the cats away? Be hold & let's study the exact cause & cases. Can God to have an absence in the class room? Since when there is no God? God or God's in these days?
Can they hide or cover their shit?
I wanted to meet people in face book! Is that bad? To speak about God & Peace. Jesus left own family to many people to teach about God & Peace! I'm not Jesus! There is internet! What is the problem with that? All wants to interfere of what I'm even thinking to write? Their brains also satellites or internet! I write my own story! & hand it to the heal world wide foundation communities. What's wrong with those people brains or souls or TV or total life of harassments over me!
Who wants to judge a human soul or brain thinking? Those who I been suffering from! God's! So a world wide business meets with God's! Those God's, what is their business once they are wasters? They carry shame for life. No respect to a human soul? Then what are they? Other than that who created this to me? I suppose to be free from this Ollo Dom. Are we true now or not?
Don’t worry be happy. I just want to live alone & far a way from all of this waste. I do not have a medical care or insurance, I do not have money & hardly to cover my own expenses. I'm not doing any business! I'm sick at home! And still under attack! Most interfering in my life style even! This means what? What is their problem with me? Once they say we all are dead! Because you all are shit! Complaining to whom?
Not giving me a simplest chance to live my own life my own soul! What type of school they are creating out of me? Learning from me while fucking my soul! What total brains in a mixer? = Shit mixer of brains giving me hell of a time! Are they happy in doing so? What the world wide to name them now? Let them to face the world wide then!
United Nation will be active. To rescue victims. The question is: How many victims are there other than me? And my family suffering for me!
The question is: Why they have to lose much money on me? Because shit community of traps & trappers! If my family can not save me & my soul, then The United Nations to have an act!
They made me to lose so much! What left! My soul & yet to be punished! Yes
Once they made it in this way! Other than connecting me to other countries! Creating me what? The entire system of
I can go & meet with all of those who speak & believe in God & Peace. Set there shake hands & some hugs in the main head quarters of United Nations! Is that a problem? What is the problem with people of
The question is: Why? When? What? What if? If so then? And much of ????????? For what? All forgot about God & Peace! And creating lot of Bla Bla Bla in the streets! The world wide looking!
What God say's at this time? Can they to give an answer to this question? And all acting God's! Whom to be blamed? I leave them to their conscience! But are they leaving me to my own conscience! Nope That’s why they are shit acting God's upon me.
All of them are sick in their nature. No hygienic brains to have a self respect? All are dom. Dumpers of what? This is the law of reality of facts & logic. Events are there on a daily bases creating nonsense. God hates wastage. Should Apes to control humans? Should I carry a sign that says do not disturb? Should I carry a white flag & walk with? Should I address my self some army uniform or police or UN military or breast or mosque mullah uniform? What is wrong with those people? Can't understand I'm a human too! Are they wanting more viruses once they are creating it! No peace mind?
Umbrellas of electrons of brains caused by own country. It's obvious that there are members & observers of this sesame of
I did face the world wide, my self, my God with the truth! Can they all to do so? This story helps a world wide populations! I'm not a hero! I'm only me a human! What God says at this time? I don’t want to be a part of this ashes or wastage!
I belong to a good family & origin. Those who attacks are what? Criminal Nation & Nations! Are they students? I leave it in this way for those who wishes to understand.
Other than that, I say I'm not a slave to any of shit families, origins, nature of their shit brains, or shit souls or shit soul mate communication skills or to their viruses in their ships in their skulls or brains or to any business of their Satan.
Their vampire world goes to hell. Their talents in their assholes. Animals with their sixth sense not human. After all it is a virus in the brains. I hate viruses. Just imagine, entire nation having viruses in their brains! Their talk in their asshole. Their whispers in their asshole. Their visionary system of their own is in their asshole as well. Those who are suffering from this shit total community are what? God lovers & peace talkers. All of them? Should they also to be harmed by what ever mentioned in here?
Eat your shit, shit brains & shit apes & demons. Shove your ghosts in your assholes. I do not have any business with any of Satan work. After all, this is an advice.
There is no business trough me or through my soul or trough my God in this illusion of shit apes & satanic life. All are infected & thinking that they are having talents by misusing their brains! And since when a human soul is a business? And to who? What this shit slavery time machine doing to me & to others? Olo Dom.
What type of school is this? I name it SATAN Business. Face my God & world wide God with this business of yours! I'm a human. What about you all? Apes & Satanic goes to hell. I stick with facts & Logic. Not with fakers & their families! Who's bad? Who is guilty? What God say's at this time? False Flag means what? Means shit flag. Black with a skull & two bones. Get lost shit scanners.
A subject that been opened & apes can not close it! What we suppose to call them. Their news papers, TV & total brains of this shit system in their asshole. All are Guilty. They were faking life, history, God & Peace. This movie in their assholes. Who gained gained & who lost lost. This certain period of time took years to show the truth about my story.
What they will win? Memories remains with its pain & yet to be in pain from shit apes & satanic? What type of God in
All of them God's? Once for all to drop this shit business! The question is: Why still this going on? Should I gather a world wide lawyers, advocates, doctors, flags & all families to heal me up? To rescue my soul? To tell me is there God or Not? When I say the global means so much big. (
My life gone on waste! This is a message to those who believes in God & in Peace. I'm not the one who to be called the big head. Where is my business? Once all are mafias & wale's of their business! They created this cold war out of what? I.T? or maybe E.T phone home? This shows the truth about a human soul! Shouldn't we care for own souls? What a wild world creating slaves to their own budgets! Creating jungle life even! Should I wear Tarzan or monkely?
With this we suppose to understand that they concentrated on a small issue & forgot about the big one! I suppose to be free from all of this going on! Once all are Gods means the big issue! Can population of
My advise was past is past! Now & then is more important! What time machine for those Apes & Satanic to keep on blaming me? This Machine is what? Their God. God of
They are inventing their time machine over a suffering soul! What is their God? Time Machine kept me in so much pain. Their God in their assholes. In who's law they were doing so? I like to be free! When I look from the windows, most closes their mouths! Why? Some while I'm buying some goods & when I feel something to my heart due to its weakness, they say he's afraid as if they are living in my brain, conscience & feelings to create me more pain.
They don’t care about us or people like me! Nice
This means what
Would that to solve any problem of total problems they creating? Truly I'm amazed from those apes & satanic acting God's above me! Who did this to me?
Apes are many in
Today is:
They were having fun with my soul! Now their souls having what with their own conscience? That goes for all.
Using their brain connectivity with their visions & they are so clever in this to judge on one source of a human means what? All are sick, all are God's & all are not humans. Can I judge on Apes & Satanic networks of brains! Total
This what my English can write even though it's poor. Arabs wants
A human to speak about it & to analyze the pain where from. Not apes to analyze human! This school is in their assholes. I'm not a school to Apes & Satanic Networks! Authorities & people scanning on me! Wow. For what? To give me pain & less concentration.
If I'm allowed to ask: can any of Jordan People to write own story? That is the subject! What would they to write about them selves? I say: let everybody to write own story! Is that a problem? Let them to face them selves with their own selves & their God! Apes acting reacting for what upon a human soul? What are their origins? God's. Once they are mentioning names of those who trapped me! This means they all were scanning on me mentioning Assem Haddadien name in the air! The question is: Why they are shit with me to open the past as I just heard? Is there a court in the air or in the brains? And those in the black list names also as if there is investigation within this soul court due to lot of whispers in me & in the air! This means what? Can I trust viruses? All are fakers & virus brains in
They opens this radiation field & close it when ever they want! For what? To insure that individuals not to think, write, speak, feel & what ever! Why? They are in control. Controlling what? Souls! & mixing with others to lose concentration! Why they are doing this? Because they are the Satan Virus with a secrete weapon.
God's of traps!
Years took over & all are sins & mistake holders. History remains. The entire system is fake.
This means what they are! Shame on them all. Once our case is for God & Peace, God bless our souls. I spent so much money by refilling recharge ISP. FastLink. This much of what ever I'm facing in supposed to be called a home land. This
Most are taking & not giving this means what? Am I the only advisor to this situation? The problem is why they are acting reacting? Apes.
As if I'm the only human who speaks God & Peace! This lasted for several years! What did I gain from this
They are not giving me a simplest chance to think to write! Fuck you Shit
United Nations are still having patience.
Is that also a problem when I say United Nation God Bless? This situation of Arabs brought the United Nation tension! What is the problem in
Interfering in none of their business to be called God's! Why they are acting like this with me? God or God's? I'm not God & not belonging to god's! I'm only a human! Me for me & not for any of you! My soul is for me! This lot of what is going on within brains & people talk is in their assholes. Wastage. Years gone on waste & they can not understand? Shame remains. History remains. Memories remains. Where is my guilt? All are guilty. Once sick nation creating lot of wastage! Some a wakening should have to have an existence for many souls! What souls fucking soul! Where from this came from? Umbrella is not Nelson Mandela.
Electronic government goes to hell. What a song: See the stars come joining down from the sky, gently passing they kissed your tears & your eyes. What this means? Voodoo magic from what's up? Spying & hacking! For what? Leave me alone! I belong to God & peace!
They are playing with our nerve system! People are dying! Sky Nets are the virus creating this corruption! Umbrella of electrons creating madness in the air! This nuclear station is doing what? Magnetic gravity to brains & they uses NASA Package above a human soul. Other than TV harassments in door to create much more of corruptions to many families.
Cold War on civilians!
For what? F.B.I & C.I.A in
They come after & during the war! Or to stop the war from happening! They are the Peace keepers. Stop torturing me you shit Satan work, a fucking shit big mafia. No God mercy in
Who is doing this to me? Fake war is in your assholes shit Arabs. Enforcing people to do what? To go insane as if no God! This means what
Mixing all population in one mixer! & their souls to keep own fucking souls! What this means? Corruption creators! Cancers, viruses & much more! No need for jail! Kill all! Forcing people to jail? Scanning on indoor people with NASA Package even! How many death cases we are speaking about in
Come on United Nation & pay to
I like to stay clean. This Al Misdar street where I'm living facing my window shows that lot of apes behaving & acting reacting in the streets as they have a problem with my brain! Sharing it with their voices to all! Shit creators! Waste creators.
Some of those who are in my black list Mazen El Salaimeh also did a major problem in
Why they doing this! I do not know! May be movie in real life! They create their shit & want me to be a part of it! Fuck you
They say
Where from these sparks in the eyes comes from & blink in TV screen as well! I was totally under attack by total
I have the right to speak the truth! All day it was so much pain in the brain. Due to so much tension of many brains. Brains also creating pain. Concerning me! What is wrong with me? I to ask total doctors of the world wide millions & more they are. I want one definite answer. No turning back. Is NASA Killing us all? Is NASA Killing me? I want to be free from all of it. If cant! Kill all. I cant even to work to any in
I am a human. Many false flags in this sesame. Their shit they eats. My shit I keep or maybe they want to eat? Many brains still active over me! For what? Palestinians did this to me Plus some Jordanians. This what
The question is why they did this to me & still active? Where is the international law? God of Jordan is Satan of Jordan! This what they want! As if there is no law between good & bad! Once it is in this way! United Nation law to take over. Arrested by whom? Judged by whom? Trapped by whom? As if a refugee in the land? By whom? Actually USA Did its best with me even trough out its presidents.
Are they also fake? Muppets & puppets? Other than that United Nation still waiting! Leaving me with this situation of always intension virus from all surroundings! Can I take a decision to my self of what I to decide! I hardly can cover my expenses. And people thinking I'm so much rich!
With God & Peace maybe I'm rich. But not in my life. Plus I'm not asking for any fortune! And all life insurance in your assholes Arabs once there are killers behind the shadows. I left behind as a gypsy in a country but not in a home land!
May the lord God to curse all the marriages of
United Nations to understand. I live home alone. Most of my problems are: They approach to me to witness the faults, mistakes & their show! They can't leave me alone & those apes creating me disturbance even while recalling the memories! Now concerning this fellow Mazen El Salaimeh who met with my American wife & started to speak about the economical situation of
Once there is a study to this brain connectivity's that still creating such massive destruction of a mankind with this going on, a sudden war might take a place. What type of a new generation would it be like after war! This subject if we yet to refer to back history, shows humans to survive due to their believe in God & In Peace. And those who creates mind disturbance to while they are learning how to analyze is called wasters of history, future & truths that yet to remain for the new generation. They are wasting everything with their interference acting God's! That is the Danger which might take many lives away.
Trying to back to my self at all times! This means those signs with different language of lighting in my closed eyes! Just like the transformer movie. There is something about. And cant understand how even to analyze or to remember the signs! Alpha's, letters numbers but not in any language of our earth. As if from outer space. This is too much for me to understand. Are those movie actors were suffering from the same? I say due to this satellites & sparks that were effecting my brain caused such a thing. Electricity in total body might also do that to me. Bringing two fingers from both hands to create a spark between! It happened with me before. Who filled me with such wireless power? What made me to do such experiment about my fingers? God Knows! Now a day's people holding a lamp by their hands & it start to give a light! As how I did see in TV. This means as I guessed it. They made me to go through shit hell. Whom they are trying to fool around with? As from now your brains in each others asshole. If United Nation failed this Peace mission then there is a record for tomorrow. This is the record.
I do not trust
I used to say my war not with humans. In case they forgot that. Apes behaving while are looking as humans means shit brains, shit god of theirs & shit origins. Am not an experiment to shit apes & satanic network. If they don’t respect a human means these are not humans. These who is creating cold war of wastage & not caring about us we humans. When they speak about me & bring my tension to look at them, I see Satan in different shapes in their locations. The question is why they are doing this? Other than above mentioned I call it Satan Virus from their sides. To whom to explain? What! Satan challenging me and my God! This is insane. I used to say: no matter what those eyes of mine & those ears of mine to see & hear! I should not be harmed or to be driven into illusions.
What is going on? Genies in their asshole. Maybe that's why they are acting like this with me. They are having it within their souls even. They opened Gate of hell & cant close it. Much going to hell & few going to heaven. I see things others cant & might not see. Satan has many faces.
Seeing small black fast moving on the ground. Seeing almost invisible when I said I only wanted a paint spray can to prove it. Never cheated but even I did not speak about it. Those almost 26 more or less God Knows they were like Kings from heaven laying down on my bed asking me to relax & sleep after 10 day's more or less without even a nap. They were smiling to me made me to feel to sleep & to relax from my tension.
They were floating on my bed. I can not prove anything due to my logic side stronger than this unknown source which made me to suffer so much from. Such dim light just arrived to my vision, means they are above me. When I heard them saying he said that before & later this dim light approach & for me to say go away you shit satellite stop hacking on me. Apes & Satan having weapons from above creating this nonsense.
Arab games are demon games.
Welcome to Kingdom of Satanic & Apes. A human soul & entire body were under attack. What are they trying to create out of me? All of this is a movie? And I been telling: I don’t want my life to be a movie. They kept on going with their Satan. What would be the result? As if no God! And all are God's! Who did this to many nations? That is the question. Sites over internet were also hit by virus caused data lose in many accounts. The question is: Ghosts that can not be traced, clever ones not leaving any trace & fooling around.
Victims are there & did not do anything. IP addresses can be changed with some programs over internet. Network can also be infected. The entire system of satellites can also carry virus as sky nets is the virus. I did wetness in face book an account with a lady name Lauren & I did click on her to see her page & there were no page of her! Went back & find here as if not having an existence in the group! But what I wrote to her was still there! As if I been writing to my self! There are people creating problems even in internet.
Wasters & trouble creators. I wonder what would they gain from doing so? Those electronic devises can not be trusted. Law should not to have any judge on such evident. Clips & sound recordings. All can be faked. NASA Package also is not suitable to any court on earth due to much of viruses & Satan work. All brains are whispering & they having this talent more than this vision to create rumors & as if it's logic to any brain of ours. Apes are many to believe in any of this supper setaceous. Visions & whispers as how I used to say about my eyes & ears.
But they kept on challenging to create shit in Logic life! Apes & Satanic are having fun over man kind souls! Should I keep on chasing the shadow in real life even! Shit scanners from satellites & brains go to hell shit Apes & Satanic.
If I want to remember I can say so much about me. Even though while they are creating shit disturbance & traps. There are people who are using the law to trap! Some of those who are in the Black list Saleh El Sanea has a lawyer friend of he's. This Saleh always calls & asks what if I do this or this, would there be anything against me! This means what? What law? Should I learn how to trap people in order to survive? Plus I'm not wanting any troubles! Acting God's! What a kingdom!
I cant work to any of them once they are zigzagging in life. Such a thing going on for many years! For what? Still me yet to be accused by Apes & Satanic network! Other than that they uses TV broad casting to show what I know! Means what? God's! Other than brains that having fun with my soul! Now concerning all of this going on! In who's law I to go though all of this shit? I'm too old for this shit plus sick from it! Who is against me? Against God & Peace.
Even though if I'm not advising any! I have to analyze my self & to wonder about it all! I am a human. Memories of pain are there! As if destination unknown! This what creates fear for not knowing are we living in peace or not! Should I advise the world wide not to sell cell phones ever again! A blockage to a location knowing where I'm living.
They to have nice clicks of electrons in the location even though mobile closed. Many times in day & nights! Satan policy & enforcing on individuals while they are at home! No secrets No privacy! Such clicks create Cancer, viruses & data lose in memories of a human & computers plus redirecting thoughts because of fear.
Playing with nerve system of a human brain connectivity's with others which caused by the field of radiation & a hunter from above! War against civilians! A human brain not supposes to think or to remember or to dream or to imagine or to think to write! This causes much of mental problems other than viruses & cancers. Kill all! Once you'll creating all of nonsense life & wastage of time & souls! Kill better than to make them to suffer & take what you want! Families yet to ask for their rights! World wide nations having families. The meaning of United Nation is what? Other than Peace keepers!
My Advise to United Nation total authorities are as follows:
Arabs are the ones who are creating total corruption in the middle east which is effecting the global peace mission. They the ones who has to pay for such long term terror activities which effected total families in the reign. They the ones who created this Satan Virus of total electron harassments in the middle east as well. Arabs can not be trusted.
Concerning Mr. Bill Clinton peace agreements in this reign! They the ones who start the first blood against & not
My story also can say so! My wife been also under attack. This what Arab authorities did to many countries. At least I did save many families from shit Arabs. This also helps for a better life by telling the TRUTH.
This what they did to a family of a United Nation. Did they care for any human soul? This is the big issue. They wasted years & they put me in to so much pain! They are the haters & wasters. Case is closed.
United Nation is to take over in control due to big mafia running this constitution. Families were under attack! It is so obvious. Sorry for my poor English. I been speaking God & Peace in all of these years! I believe in Peace Keepers! Is that wrong? This Rain Brain Scan fucked my soul from apes & satanic networks. Facing me with shit brains, shit viruses & shit children! This also shows what the situation of
This does not mean that he's the king of kings! Each country has it's own way & style for living. Everything fails with Apes & Satanic network. What origin to act proud? Apes & satanic still active! Most are showing off as if that they are the community of
All are guilty & total
Can we keep Peace with apes & satanic networks? God & Peace means nothing? And all of these years of suffering goes a way! No human rights? Are we talking with any administration here?
Mr. Kofi Annan went to
What is the problem now? All of this a movie! God also a movie! Still we are speaking God & Peace. Yes apes & satanic networks? This NASA Package over one human means a lot. Other than that Electron attack! No respect to a human soul! Then there is no human rights! Once no human rights means no law! Law is fake! Is God & Peace Fake? If yes then United Nation is fake. And all countries are also fake! Once this shit big mafia of Satanic network attacking & causing viruses means War.
Who suppose to stop the war? Why this NASA Package still running on? Creating endless war! And people to suffer! What type of world wide court to judge? The entire system is fake. Once humans living above a single human. Once families living above single family. Once country living above countries This shows all are guilty. What God & What Peace? All are guilty. Even Jesus did not suffer this much for God & Peace. Are we humans or not? All to understand. Yes
Yes Arabs! One human to represent world wide total populations! Umbrella of what? Full of viruses. People are dying!
Viruses are spreading from one country to another.
Mr. Bill Clinton knows that. We are not a movie! We are real humans! If all acting God's above on human! Means all are fake & not true.
This is the truth. I am a human. Let the world wide total courts to judge. What on one human! Yes apes & Satanic networks. Doing this for what? Causing what? What excuse? Yes Mr. Administration of Seasame of
My Origin is from United Nation. Still all having this brain connectivity's to show faces to each others as if all saying we don't know! Or what we to do? Or we are! Wondering!
What! This is waste. Two ways left in life: Back to normal life for all to live or stick to your shit apes & satanic for all to die. That is the question. God or no God? Just like that. Apes & Satanic are rejecting to be upgraded to understand God & Peace! Kill all humans.
I am a human & this is my story. Thos apes & Satanic networks what are they doing to a total human. Should I be perfect as Jesus! Are they upgrading me to be him? What on earth going on? United Nation containing: From all over the world nationalities & different religions! We are still waiting? What is our mission? What are we representing? Should we to have an existence or not? Should we have to have a budget or not? Should that also to be a question to all countries? Should we to cancel all the agreements with total world wide nations?
We want to know what is going on? Who did this to a human? All of this going on for one single human! Me! What this means
Yes members & observers! Making nice budget? This shit Sesame of Jordan goes to hell. Their business in their asshole. It is DANGER. This what corrupted the world wide. Creating this type of cold war. Now a days people saying Satan is God! What God say's at this time?
Maybe total U.S.A presidents are also not true! Means the world wide leaders are also not true! The question is: Who attacked
This brain connectivity's not suppose to be logic & there is no law to judge on such nonsense wastage. No court to take any evident from this un logic due to it's Satan work. This administration of Arabs using TV screen while others concentration on one source means all are apes & satanic networks. They did not care for any family. This is the reason for United Nation to act. Those who are not under us shall have no respect from now & then. History remains & we keep the record for tomorrow.
Satan Business is a mafia business & not human. This is a terror activities action from their side. Arabs did this Great mistake & they did miss use a human soul in order to have fun with, other than to serve anything good in life. They are guilty. The cold war been created by a total communities to show the world wide the simplest truth about Arabs. They did not care for any family & not for any child. They wasted years of nonsense lecturing using my soul! What hurts us is we are suffering for humanity & they are not giving any respect to any human. This show the world wide where is the problem. Once populations are also connected from different countries to one case of mine due to my American marriage, Later on Arabs shows & wanting to act as if I'm not a good human. This means what?
It shows the exact meaning of a good human soul in spite of origin, religion, he or she & young or old. Concerning Arabs & their Islam: Let them to judge on own selves. Good (Humans) is there & Bad (Apes & Satanic network) is there hating world peace & hating God! Those ones are the shit in life. Many are there in
They caused me much pain.
What I supposed to gain? Nothing but pain due to:
Shit brains=leads to=Shit religions & origins=leads to=shit God=leads to=shit country & authorities=leads to=corrupting all countries=leads to= world wide law to act of this Umbrella & Umbrella's!
We all are humans & families. God, Peace & the good well. This Virus is a wastage to all mankind. Arabs missed used total electronics for their aim of total harassments. Danger it is to all. This what they create. Fooling United Nation as if they have any rights over me by using their Satan Work. Those who has to understand the simplest truth. This sesame by
We are the United Nation as how I believe to insure world wide peace keeping & not a waste of life. The question is who attacked us. We are caring for humans & not for Apes or Satanic Network. That’s why we are here. We are still waiting for this to have an end. Who plays more shall lose more. They used me so much. A budget to United Nation yet to be collected by them to insure peace keeping from now & on after solving the problem.
My soul to be free from all of this radiation of Apes & Satanic networks. Where heal the world foundation is? United Nation is. Maybe apes & satanic networks wants to be God's above United Nations! Thank you & God Bless.
I'm not writing any law here! It's the way how I feel! The soul, brain & heart with entire body of mine telling me to write the way I feel! To write about God & Peace is so much to describe. But a believe is the matter.
Who wants to be my God to play with my believe? I call them shit Families & shit administration of rising up own families in this way. Can they understand what a human is? They are having shit Satan Virus in their brains. What is their religion? Or God? Or politics? All of it is a trap & waste to all. Big Shit Mafia. DANGER
By: Nabil Zegord Konz Kurt Polaski