What! The teacher is a slave & all students (total religions, males & females, different ages & origins, different nationalities) are God's & acting Apes upon a human soul! What a waste! All of it is fake though they are learning. This shows how much a human soul is suffering from wastage of apes & satanic net works. All are witnesses & they can not deny the truth. What did I gain from this wastage?
For many years I been under this situation & since a long time back! This sesame in their assholes that causes this much pain to a human soul.
SATAN virus took over
They are learning & I'm loosing! Let's say inverse! What God say's at this time?
Because they are shit blaming one person! Apes & Satanic network!
From beginning I been telling the truth! My soul belongs to me. They have to ask them selves why they are shit with their God? That is their problems! Not mine.
I am a human & all acting God's or Satan's above a human soul! If all are victims! Did all of them suffered as one me? All of them are self cheaters. They all are: dissimulation, hypocrisy, insincerity, guile & duplicity. Let them to face the world wide nations & the United Nations. What God say's at this time?
Once I been connected to the world wide umbrella & switches over me on & off! This means the shit still going on. With this the united Nation Budget is in DANGER due to what is going on. This budget will be taken away due to of what is going on! They the ones who decide. The question is: Are they a part of this going on or not? Did all respected this point of view? That is the question. Who created this much corruptions to the world wide? That also a question! Once SATAN policy taking us all to no where! Then where is the business? Investigation by the United Nations is a must! How come they all to concentrate on one person! What is the reason? Which way they want it? As if no existence to United Nations! All God's of total world wide law's & god's of world judges! Is this a big issue to be investigated or not? Who did this? What business it is? Who is under attack? Heal the world foundation by Mickle Jackson songs! Singing to whom & about who? What about us song!
Where is the protection shield? Heal The World Foundation is The U.N
If United Nations agreeing to this! Then Fuck you all. SATAN IS GOD!
Is United Nations is sick? This is world wide big issue. Years has gone! No matter of what they say or do or think! This is the truth! Any one against? The blame falls on?
I want an answer! Who can judge this situation? I used to say a human limited thinking in compare to the unlimited God & creation. Drop this shit & let go shit heads. A human soul belongs to own self & to it's creator God. That goes to all to understand. What's wrong! Wasting my time & every body's time! God hate wastage! Drop it once for all.
I did say: God, Peace & The good well! Who is with? & who is against? Tata J & back to normal life. Stop the 3rd world war from happening. A human self respect is a national security & a home land survival. Hygienic life if can! What God say's at this time? It's over & my peace mission is accomplished. God, Peace & The good well I to live with! Awaking year to all. God bless.
Look what people & weapon of satellites plus electronic harassments did to me! All of them are guilty. I have the full rights to defend my self & my soul from all. Due to total of me under attack! Plus I'm speaking about my self & not about them. Why they to interfere? They put me into this:
Satanic Networks & apes behaving under the umbrella causes the below mentioned:
Political philosophy.
Psychological warfare. War of nerves. Civil war. War of extermination. Electronic warfare & War of attrition.
Megalomania, frequently asked questions.
Soul essence or juice, spirit, the spiritual part of the human.
Criminality, delinquency, criminology. Spiritualistic. exhaustion, depletion, exhausting & using up.
Exhaustion. Fatigue, weariness, tiredness. Mental, psychologic, of the soul, psychical, psychic. Fear, terror, impatience, panic, anxiety, horror, restlessness, afraid, terrified, frightened, scared, hurt, pain, ache, toothache, Headache, Heartache & Inattention.
Insanity, madness, craziness, lunacy, unreason, moronity, mental retardation, defective, retarded, retardate, deranged, brainsick, confusion, interference, disorientation, haze, incoherence, mix-up, perturbation, fairyland, amok, manic-depressive psychosis, cyclophrenia, paranoia & schizophrenia.
Nervous, itchy, neural, irritable, sinewy, tendinous, jumpy, vagus nerve, trigeminal nerve, fifth cranial nerve, hypoglossal nerve, twelfth cranial nerve, facial nerve, nervus facialis, seventh cranial nerve, oculomotor nerve, olfactory nerve & first cranial nerve. Dysfunction, malfunction, demagnetize, disambiguate & deodorize.

الاعلان العالمي لحقوق الانسان (مختصر)
1 حقَّ إلى المساواةِ
2 حريةَ مِنْ التمييزِ
3 حقّ الحياةَ، حريَّة، أمن شخصي
4 حريةَ مِنْ العبوديةِ
5 حريةَ مِنْ التعذيبِ والمعالجةِ المُنزِلةِ
6 الحقَّ إلى الإعترافِ كشخص قبل القانونِ
7 الحقَّ إلى المساواةِ قبل القانونِ
8 الحقَّ للمُعَالَجَة بالمحكمةِ المؤهّلةِ
9 حريةَ مِنْ التوقيفِ والمنفى الإعتباطيِ
10 الحقَّ إلى الجلسةِ العامّةِ العادلةِ
11 الحقَّ لكي يُعتَبرَ بريء حتى تثبت إدانته
12 حريةً مِنْ التدخلِ بالسريةِ وعائلةِ وبيتِ ومراسلةِ
13 الحقَّ إلى الحركة المطلقةِ جيئة وذهابا البلادِ
14 الحقَّ إلى اللجوءِ في البلدانِ الأخرى مِنْ الإضطهادِ
15 الحقَّ إلى جنسية والحرية لتَغييره
16 الحقَّ إلى الزواجِ والعائلةِ
17 الحقَّ لإمتِلاك الملكيةِ
18 مِنْ حريةِ الإعتقادِ والدينِ
19 مِنْ حريةِ الرأي والمعلوماتِ
20 مِنْ حقِّ الجمعيةِ والجمعيةِ السلميةِ
21 الحقَّ للمُشَارَكَة في الحكومةِ وفي الإنتخابات الحُرّةِ
22 الحقَّ إلى الضمان الإجتماعي
23 الحقَّ إلى العملِ المرغوبِ وللإِنْضِمام إلى إتحاداتِ العمال
24 الحقَّ لإرْتياَح وراحةِ
25 الحقَّ إلى مستوىِ المعيشة الكافيِ
26 الحقَّ إلى التعليمِ
27 الحقَّ للمُشَارَكَة في الحياةِ الثقافيةِ للجاليةِ
28 الحقَّ إلى نظام إجتماعي الذي يَضِعُ هذه الوثيقةِ
29 واجبَ جاليةِ ضروريِ إلى التطويرِ المجّانيِ والكاملِ
30 حريةً مِنْ التدخلِ الرسميِ أَو الشخصيِ في الحقوقِ أعلاهِ
ًWhat An Umbrella